These findings were common to the coastal areas, and could be generally applicable to tsunami inundation for all coastal areas along the Japan Sea.

Additionally, even the areas protected by the dunes might be exposed to an inundation risk in which the tsunamis invade a river channel, causing it to overflow. However, the presence of the breakwaters also increases the tsunami heights in the areas immediately beyond the ports. According to the simulated results, the dunes and port breakwaters contribute significantly to decreasing the total amount of tsunami inundation for the areas behind them. Natural sand dunes, ports with man-made breakwaters, and rivers with levees are typical topographical features found in urbanized and densely populated areas along the Japan Sea coastline. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the estimated inundation characteristics, tsunami inundation was simulated for each coastal area under varying tsunami source conditions (including excessive tsunami magnitude) with a high resolution of the topography and infrastructure. Comprehensive simulations for tsunami propagation and inundation were performed for coastal areas in Akita City, Sakata City, and Niigata City based on earthquake and tsunami source scenarios developed by the Japanese Government for the Japan Sea area. Based on tsunami simulations for representative coastal areas, we aimed to identify common vulnerabilities, which included those suggested by previous studies and local governments, to develop disaster mitigation strategies.

This study estimated the tsunami inundation characteristics for three major Japanese coastal cities along the Japan Sea. For Japanese coastal communities along the Japan Sea, where the risk of earthquake-induced tsunamis is deemed lower than that along the Pacific Ocean, tsunami disaster mitigation strategies have not been sufficiently developed.